July 2, 2009

Just Random Thoughts...

So, I am contemplating the whole "Facebook" thing. I have resisted until now because its quite simple to carry on my life without having to worry about being exposed to the whole wide world!! But everyone keeps asking me to join (yes, I would probably jump off the bridge, too!) And I am already out there through this blog, not that anyone I know really visits (sad, huh?) And there is a sort of voyeuristic thrill to getting joined up and being able to check other people out!! You know what I mean? But I have discovered that despite eveything, I am still a little vain! I do care what other people think and I really shouldn't! I am no longer 105 lbs! OMG!! And logically, I know other people aren't either! And probably, no one cares! But I don't like it! But I haven't done a damn thing about it! So, whose fault is it? Anyway, I know there are some of you out there that know exactly what I am talking about! Thank you for indulging me! Now, I have to find my daughter to help set up my profile. Stay tuned ;)

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