March 22, 2009

SAB Class Projects

It was about 1 a.m. Sunday morning when I finally finished my samples for my Sunday afternoon class! I have a tendency to procrastinate when I have absolutely no idea what I want to do. So, of course I was on SCS for awhile looking for inspiration and because there are so many talented and creative ladies out there, I found some! Yay! So, I hope they don't mind, but I absolutely CASE'd these projects. Thanks, ladies! (If you do mind, I apologize.) I wanted to be sure to use all Sale-a-Bration products since it is the last week. The Kit Kat bar was the favorite among my girls and they are very excited to use this project in other ways. Thanks to Lisa Freeman for her idea! The inspiration for the card also came from Lisa here. Thank you, Lisa! The Hershey Bar idea was courtesy Jan Tink and I found it here. I did do some thinking on my own and came up with the bag topper myself (well, not the idea to use the Top Note die, but the way I used it!) I used the SU! Color Spritzer Tool to make the spots of color - it kind of reminds me of the speckles on the Robin Egg candies - Yum! Which is of course, why I used the "Yummy" SAB Stamp set! If you need me to list the ingredients, leave me a comment and I will - I'm kinda tired right now. I should be in bed! Thanks for looking!
Nite, nite!

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